WICEN (NSW) and WICEN (ACT) maintain a number of fixed and portable repeaters in NSW and the ACT. As with all repeaters in the amateur service, they are available for use by other amateurs. However, WICEN does request that during WICEN operations, other traffic is minimised so as not to impact on the safety of the WICEN operation.

WICEN and the St. George Amateur Radio Society are jointly conducting a test of a temporary 70cm FM repeater at Mt. Bindo, on the Great Dividing Range, west of the Blue Mountains. This is to determine UHF coverage from the location.
The repeater VK2RAH is on 439.875 MHz, with the standard negative 5.0 MHz offset. No CTCSS tone is required or sent.
Amateurs with UHF FM radios in Sydney, the Blue Mountains, the Central Tablelands, and further afield are encouraged to try out the repeater, and to send reports to:



Rpt TX

Rpt RX



VK1RWP ACT 147.125 147.725 - Portable
    147.150 147.750 -  
VK1RWP ACT 439.925 434.925 - Portable
VK2RWS Hornsby 438.275 432.875 91.5Hz Notes: -5.4MHz offset FM & P25 NAC 293
  VK2RWS 147 MHz is still offline.               Linking is currently offline.
VK2RWK Kurrajong Heights/Syd North-West 439.825 434.825 91.5Hz FM & P25 NAC 293
    77.6125 80.1125 233.6Hz Equal to VRA 2 in the WICEN Band Plan. Deviation 12.5
VK2RWC Chatswood/Greater Sydney 147.150 147.750 91.5Hz  
    1273.20 1293.20 91.5Hz repeater encode only  
    78.150 80.650 233.6Hz Equal to VRA 5 in the WICEN Band Plan. Deviation 12.5
VK2RAF Statewide (Sydney SW) 439.925 434.925 - Portable
VK2RAH Statewide (Sydney South) 439.875 434.875 91.5Hz Portable
VK2REP Statewide (Sydney South) 147.175 147.775 - Portable
VK2RSR Ourimbah/Central Coast 147.125 147.725 - Available on demand
VK2RWB Mt Boomanoomana/Murray 147.200 147.800 -  
VK2RWH Bimbadeen / Hunter 147.150 147.750 123Hz New location, please try it out.
VK2RWH Nelson Bay 439.625 434.625 123Hz FM & P25 NAC293
VK2RFI Hunter 147.175 147.775 - Portable
VK2RFI Hunter 439.625 434.625 - Portable